Our Asheville, NC Child Custody Lawyer Helps You Protect Your Child
When parents decide to split up or never lived together to raise the child together in the first place, the child is often caught in the middle of custody and support disputes. Developing a cordial, respectful co-parenting relationship is easier when the child custody schedules are confirmed, respected, and adhered to. Our Asheville, NC child custody lawyer helps you create a compromise with your child’s other parent that is in your child’s best interests and works for your own preferences.
Whether you’re seeking full custody of your child in a divorce, need help finding a compromise with your child’s other parent, or need to change an existing child custody arrangement, the attorneys at The McKinney Law Group are here to help you achieve the best solution for you and your child. Contact us today for a consultation.
Strong Legal Advocacy For Your Child Custody Dispute
If you struggle to find a custody solution with your child’s other parent, you may have to take the matter to court. As your attorney, we can help by developing a strong argument to support your position. North Carolina family law judges determine child custody based on the child’s best interests. We aim to demonstrate that your proposed custody arrangement is in your child’s best interest. Our attorneys are local and know the family law courtrooms in Buncombe County very well. We can help you feel more at ease in court and speak on your behalf.
We have plenty of experience with contentious child custody disputes and can quickly get through the negative feelings to determine the practical issues that must be addressed. Perhaps you have true doubts about your child’s other parent’s ability to parent and provide a safe, stable home for your child. In these cases, we present evidence of this to the judge to help bolster your claim. And, if you’re worried that your child is in an unsafe environment, we can petition the court for legal protections on your behalf, up to and including removing the child from the other parent’s home.
Creating A Custody Arrangement To Support Your Child’s Needs
Children thrive in a stable environment with a predictable routine. Constant changes in child custody can affect your child’s well-being, so we strive to resolve your custody dispute as soon as possible. However, there may be some negotiations involved. If you and the other parent are ordered to mediation by a judge, we can represent you in these negotiations and help you focus on your goals.
Sometimes, life changes and your child’s custody arrangement needs to change. If you have a plan entered with the court, you must file a petition to change it. Perhaps one parent changes jobs and cannot be physically present to raise the child or takes another job far enough away that split custody isn’t feasible. We can help you change the custody agreement so that your child stays with you, but the other parent retains visitation and access to them.
Whatever your child custody needs, our Asheville child custody lawyer is here to help support them. We can help you. Call The McKinney Law Group today for a free consultation.