Tampa Custody Attorney

No mask, no child custody. COVID-19 is a new factor in family law.

The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the deep divisions that exist in the United States, and the impact of this national health crisis is trickling down into the courtroom. During this unprecedented time, it’s critical that you work with an experienced Tampa divorce attorney who will guide you through the murky waters of this pandemic. Masks, Social […]

Tampa Divorce Attorney

How to Navigate Virtual Learning and Split Custody

Since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic in the late winter months of 2020, divorced couples have had to navigate through unprecedented challenges. As the summer turned to fall, and the virus continued to sweep through communities around the country, many divorced couples realized that they would be co-parenting during a virtual school year. If you […]

Can I Lose Custody in Florida Due to Mental Illness?

In any given year, approximately one in five Americans experience mental illness. Importantly, while destigmatizing mental illness has led to less judgment and a greater understanding of mental health issues, there is plenty of room for improvement. If you have been diagnosed with a mental illness or have visited a therapist, the other parent may […]

Why Wait? Don’t Postpone Your Divorce Until After the Holidays

The holidays are often painted to be a much prettier picture than what they really are. What is often described as a magical season filled with priceless family memories is in reality a very stressful time, particularly for two people who are no longer interested in being married. Rather than sticking it out through just […]

How to Have a Happy Halloween After Your Divorce

Halloween is one of the less stressful holidays to deal with after divorce, because it doesn’t usually involve commitments with extended families or long formal dinners. It’s a fun, carefree and enjoyable holiday — for the young and the young at heart. While it may not be as chaotic as the holiday season in December, […]

What Happens When Parents Cannot Agree on a Child’s Education?

In a recent case that was heard by Florida’s Third District Court of Appeal, two parents with shared parenting responsibilities could not come to an agreement on where their children should attend school. Parents With Shared Responsibility Could Not Agree on Where Their Children Should Attend School In Lane v. Lane, 43 Fla.L.Weekly D1582 (Fla. […]

Child Custody During the Summer

While summer brings hot temperatures and longer days, it can also bring more complications for divorced parents who share custody of their kids. Schedules can change a lot during the summer, which can make arrangements a little trickier. However, if you plan ahead of time and maintain open communication with your ex, things won’t be […]

Reasons to Request Child Custody Modification

The child custody arrangement the judge granted months ago might not be working for you anymore. The good news is that you have the option of asking the judge for a modification. Here are some of the common reasons parents request child custody modification: The Child is In Danger One of the most common reasons […]

Timesharing Agreements Should Be Clear, Not Ambiguous

Recent Florida Case Shows Why Timesharing Agreements Ought to Be Clear, Not Ambiguous The case of Wohlberg v. Conner was recently decided by Florida’s 4th District Court of Appeal. The case helpfully articulates why clear and precise language is essential when parents enter into timesharing agreements or when those agreements are modified. Here is a closer look at […]