Divorce Lawyer Asheville, NC

Divorce Lawyer Asheville, NC

A divorce can be a difficult process, but your Asheville, NC divorce lawyer can help you through the process. At The McKinney Law Group, we provide personalized case management that reflects the challenges you may be facing. Our founder David McKinney has nearly two decades of legal experience, and with our firm handling all aspects of a divorce (ranging from child custody to alimony, and everything in between), we have the detailed knowledge to show you the right path forward. Read on to learn more about your divorce, and contact us today.

The Warning Signs Of Divorce

Every marriage is different, and so is every divorce. For some couples, a divorce can come as a surprise. But for others, the warning signs can be present for years.

  • Constant fighting: It’s natural for a couple to have their arguments and disagreements, but if you and your spouse are always fighting, it could be a sign that a divorce is on the horizon.
  • Stonewalling: On the opposite end of the spectrum, completely ignoring or giving each other the cold shoulder is also a major warning sign. If you’re no longer committed to communicating, how long do you think your marriage will last? 
  • Lack of intimacy: There are hot spells and cold spells to any relationship, but if you’re no longer intimate (in any way shape, or form), it could be a sign that your marriage is headed for trouble.
  • Disgust or contempt: One of the more serious signs that a divorce may be coming is if you and your spouse feel nothing but contempt for one another. This is a strong emotional feeling, and it doesn’t appear without reason.

While these red flags are serious, taken individually they may not mean major trouble. But if you’re noticing one or more of these above examples, it may be time to consult with a divorce lawyer just to be on the safe side.

Is Shared Or Joint Custody Possible?

Divorces can be relatively straightforward, but with kids and money in the mix, it can quickly become a drawn-out and difficult legal battle. In most cases, one parent is awarded custody, and the other parent gets visitation rights. But in some cases, both parents can agree to set aside their differences and take equal part in raising their kids. Shared custody is a workable solution, but certain requirements must be met. Your Asheville divorce lawyer can tell you more.

Alimony And Child Support

After your divorce, you may be on the hook for alimony and child support payments. Depending on the legal proceedings, these can take a significant amount out of your regular income. Fortunately, you and your legal team may be able to argue for alimony or child support adjustments. In certain cases, for example, if you lost your job or had a serious accident, you can get these regular payments reduced.

Get In Touch To Get Started

Don’t let a divorce catch you off-guard. If you suspect trouble’s coming, it’s important to be as prepared as possible. Fortunately, at The McKinney Law Group, we’re here to help. With proper planning and preparation, we can lessen the blow of your divorce, and help you and your ex reach an agreement that works best for both of you. Contact our office today, and see what an Asheville divorce lawyer from The McKinney Law Group can do for you.