Family Law Lawyer Asheville, NC
At McKinney Law Group, we specialize in family law and are always there for our clients. If you need help with a divorce or custody situation or want to preserve your legacy with an estate plan, call our Asheville family law lawyer today. Our attorneys are the right choice for your family law matters, and we are dedicated to getting you a fair resolution in your legal proceedings.
The Role Of A Family Law Lawyer
Family law covers a broad range of claims. Our family law attorney has over ten years of specialized experience representing clients on a variety of legal matters, such as:
- Divorce
- Pre and postnuptial agreements
- Child custody and timesharing schedules
- Adoption
- Estate planning
Whether you need help preparing for the future or are facing a separation, our family law attorney will inform you of your rights and guide you through the legal process. We can guide you through filing claims, negotiating settlements, and enforcing parenting plans. Every case is approached with compassion with the goal of upholding the best interests of you, your child, and your family.
How Family Law Attorneys Help Child Custody Cases
Our family lawyer aims to reach child custody agreements that promote a healthy relationship with both parents while considering the best situation for the child’s needs. Get guidance with a multitude of factors relating to child custody, such as:
- Calculating child support
- Writing a timesharing schedule
- Enforcing a parenting plan
In addition to handling custody disputes and negotiations, our family lawyers may be able to assist with parental interference cases. Whether you are looking to reclaim your rights or are seeking visitation, our attorney will guide you through the legalities of petitioning the court.
Some child custody cases are able to be settled out of court through meetings with both parties and their counsel. However, if an agreement isn’t attainable because the other parent is unwilling to compromise or is stubborn in their demands, our lawyer will represent you in family court and plead your position to the judge.
How Family Law Attorneys Help With Marital Claims
Our Asheville family law lawyer can help you with legal matters before and after marriage. If you want to protect your assets prior to entering a union, learn what your options are for prenuptial agreements. We can draft a proposal that reflects your wishes so your finances are safeguarded in case of a future separation.
If you decide to divorce, our family law attorney can get the process started. By taking the time to understand the reason for the separation and your unique concerns, our team will draft a settlement proposal that is just. From officially filing for divorce to negotiating with your ex-spouse and demanding alimony or other spousal support, our family lawyer will work hard to get you the best outcome in your divorce.
How Family Law Attorneys Help With Estate Planning
Having a plan for your finances, assets, and medical care takes the burden of decision-making off of your family and loved ones when you pass away, are catastrophically injured, or incapacitated. Our family lawyer can help you create an estate plan that outlines your monetary and healthcare directives. Safeguard your legacy and get peace of mind knowing your family will be taken care of with our estate planning tools and legal advice regarding:
- Setting up a trust
- Writing a will
- Creating healthcare and end-of-life directives
- Minimizing taxes on inheritances
- Avoiding probate court
Without an estate plan, the division of your assets will be left to the probate court. Depending on your family situation, your money, property, business, or other valuables may not go to the person you want. Maintain control of your assets by working with our family attorney to outline your wishes.
Choose the right firm for your family law matters and call The McKinney Law Group today. Our Asheville family law lawyer has a decade of experience with divorce, child custody cases, and estate planning. We are here to meet with you and discuss your options. Schedule a consultation and learn how our team will support and empower you throughout your legal journey.