
Which Divorced Parent Will Manage a Child’s Personal Injury Settlement?

Which Divorced Parent Will Manage a Child’s Personal Injury Settlement?

If a minor child wins a personal injury settlement from an accident, then the parents are usually given control of the award money until the child reaches a certain age. If the parents of the child ar...

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Reasons to Request Child Custody Modification

Reasons to Request Child Custody Modification

The child custody arrangement the judge granted months ago might not be working for you anymore. The good news is that you have the option of asking the judge for a modification. Here are some of the ...

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Protecting Your Estate from Your Adult Child’s Divorce

Protecting Your Estate from Your Adult Child’s Divorce

Part of the “American dream” is to work hard, save your money, and have enough leftover when you die so that you can leave your children some type of inheritance. These assets can be in the form o...

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Can a Criminal Conviction Affect Parental Visitation Rights?

Can a Criminal Conviction Affect Parental Visitation Rights?

When a parent is convicted of a crime, their child custody or parental visitation rights may be affected. The decision dictating a parent’s visitation rights is not black or white. Especially after ...

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“Liking” a Social Media Post Can Result in Jail for Florida Ex-Spouses

“Liking” a Social Media Post Can Result in Jail for Florida Ex-Spouses

"Liking" a Social Media Post Can Result in Jail for Florida Ex-Spouses It is becoming increasingly clear that the law has difficulties reacting to the rapidly-changing social media landscape. This is...

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Can I Check My Spouse’s Credit During Divorce?

Can I Check My Spouse’s Credit During Divorce?

Can I Check My Spouse's Credit During Divorce? For many Florida couples, marriage involves sharing finances and, perhaps, even creating a shared credit history. In fact, simply buying a car or a hous...

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How Does Child Support Get Calculated?

How Does Child Support Get Calculated?

Custody agreements follow a couple’s decision to divorce when they have children. Sometimes it is an easy process, especially if the couple already has a custody plan in mind. The goal of custody ag...

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How Can a Criminal Background Affect Divorce?

How Can a Criminal Background Affect Divorce?

Sadly, many divorces contain a criminal element perpetuated by one of the spouses. Commonly issues are caused by drug use or domestic violence. The nature of the case will indicate the extent to which...

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How Can I Legally Establish Paternity?

How Can I Legally Establish Paternity?

[caption id="attachment_3417" align="alignnone" width="2048"] Tampa Paternity[/caption] To speak immediately with an experienced family lawyer Tampa FL Trusts When a child is born to a woman who is ...

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