Divorce Lawyer Tampa, FL
Going through a divorce is never fun, even when you have a reliable divorce lawyer Tampa, FL clients count on for legal help with divorce and family law situations. When you’re beginning to go through a divorce or consider your options, you may want to discuss with your lawyer if you can avoid going through court. Depending on your situation, you may have other options outside court proceedings. Don’t hesitate to schedule a consultation with a lawyer if you have not already done so.
Save Time
Unfortunately, divorce can be a long process even when the two parties agree on most things. However, completing all of the proceedings out of court can save a lot of time. Going through court means waiting for a court date once the paperwork is filed by your divorce lawyer in Tampa, FL, having the possibility of your court date being pushed back, having follow up court dates if things aren’t settled or the judge wants more information, and more. Whereas using a process like mediation you will have more flexibility with choosing dates and a good chance of getting things settled in a timely manner.
Save Money
Most people know that divorce can be expensive, and typically the more time and appointments it takes and the more your lawyer has to work on your case the more it will cost. Having your lawyer in court will cost you money for their time to prepare and be in court.
Reduce Stress
The divorce process is not fun to go through, so anything that you can do to make it less stressful could be very beneficial. Not having to be in front of a judge in a courtroom could be a huge stress reliever for you since all the details of dissolving your marriage will be discussed in very plain and legal terms. Another advantage of not being in court is that the details of your divorce will remain confidential to the parties involved.
Minimize Unpredictability of Court
When you’re in a judge’s courtroom that means that the presiding judge will make all of the decisions, which may or may not be in your favor. You may think that the outcome is clear, but it happens all too often that the judge does not see things as you do.
Better Chance of Reaching Agreement
Using an option like mediation will allow you and your ex to have more back and forth discussion in order to reach compromises that you both can live with. It gives you the opportunity to work through things directly with your ex and avoid compromising on the things that are most important to you while giving up less important things.
Call a Lawyer Today
No matter what type of legal situation your divorce is putting you in, it is recommended that you have a Tampa divorce lawyer working for you and representing your interests. An experienced lawyer, like from The McKinney Law Group, can make the process go more smoothly and create less of a headache for you. There is no need to go through this alone. Call a law office today to schedule a consultation.
If you have questions about a prenup agreement or a postnup agreement or require legal assistance in other areas of Family Law you may always contact Damien McKinney of The McKinney Law Group to discuss your case further. He can be reached by phone at 813-428-3400 or by e-mail at [email protected].
We now offer virtual prenuptial agreements. Contact us to inquire further about our virtual prenup option.