If you need a pre or postnuptial agreement and you’re in the Tampa, FL area, you should consider retaining the services of a lawyer. With any agreement you sign, whether regarding pre or post nuptials, paternity, or divorce, it’s important that it addresses and protects both your rights and your interests. Should you and your spouse decide to create a pre or postnuptial agreement, it is important that the legal documents reflect your concerns. More importantly, it must be legally enforceable. This is when a lawyer can be vital.
For decades, The McKinney Law Group has been drafting pre and postnuptial agreements. Regardless of where you are in the process of your nuptials, we are ready to assist with your unique situation.
To schedule a consultation about a pre or postnuptial agreement, please call our firm today.
Prenuptial Agreements
A prenuptial agreement might be a smart choice for couples who wish to marry, but who have significant individual assets that they wish to keep separate. The document can lay out how assets accumulated during the marriage would be divided in a divorce. It can also protect current assets, income, and inheritance plans. Filing a prenup is very important when children from previous relationships are involved.
Protecting Your Assets with a Prenup
All too often, people act on their emotions and get married without thinking through the legal ramifications. This can increase the possibility of legal troubles should anything unexpected happen in the future.
Because of the unpredictable events in life, a prenup gives marrying couples the chance to specify what will happen to their assets if they no longer choose to be married. These agreements have become standard practice and, with the help of a lawyer, can be drawn up in a relatively short amount of time. When you have a lawyer write a prenup, they can protect things like:
- Investments
- Stocks, bonds, and stock options
- Inheritances, trusts, and wills
- Real estate and property
- Financial wealth
A prenup can also allocate spousal support payments and distribution of assets should a divorce happen. It can also separate the spouse from risky business ventures as well as other legal proceedings.
Postnuptial Agreements
These legal agreements are voluntarily drawn after a marriage has been established. Similar to a prenup, it can ease any concerns over finances and asset protection. If a divorce or death happens, the postnup may dictate what happens with assets, division of property, and finances. Note, in general, child custody cannot be included in a postnup.
Your Law Firm for Pre and Post Nuptial Agreement in Tampa FL
For more information regarding a pre or post nuptial agreement, you can talk with our lawyer at The McKinney Law Group. For a free consultation, contact our office today.
If you have any questions related to family law or require legal assistance in other areas of Family Law you may always contact Damien McKinney of The McKinney Law Group to discuss your case further. He can be reached by phone at 813-428-3400 or by e-mail at [email protected].