Attending Mediation to Settle Divorce Disputes


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As a divorce lawyer Tampa, FL relies on at The McKinney Law Group understands all too well, divorce can be painful, tricky and outright grueling for many clients. It can be a long and treacherous road towards divorce finalization. Whether the divorce is amicable or not, there are bound to be some major disagreements that need resolution. If you and your soon-to-be former spouse want to save a hefty amount on legal fees, it may be best to settle disputes through divorce mediation. Any conflicts that you cannot resolve yourselves, may have to be decided upon by a family court judge instead.

The goal of mediation is to reach an agreement about issues, that works for both spouses. While this may sound difficult, even the most at-odd spouses can find a middle ground if they are both motivated to avoid court altogether.

The First Step: Agreeing to Mediate

In order for divorce mediation to be successful, each spouse must agree to mediate. This means, agreeing to cooperate, approach conversations with a level head, and focusing on what can be mutually beneficial for everyone. A mediator is a neutral third-party who helps you and your spouse navigate through some of the most difficult disputes. But, each spouse must want to be there in the first place, and to save money in the long run. A Tampa, FL divorce lawyer at The McKinney Law Group can help you get prepared for mediation sessions with your spouse.

The Second Step: Setting Goals

Once you both have agreed to mediation, it is time to set a list of goals. Think about topics that you feel need resolution, such as child custody, visitation rights, finances, ownership of pets, and who shall remain in the family home. Talk with your divorce lawyer in Tampa, FL at The McKinney Law Group openly about what your hopes are for the divorce settlement, so he or she can get you ready for the challenging conversations to be had. Seriously consider what you are willing to compromise on, and what you are absolutely not willing to walk away without.

The Third Step: Put Children First

If you have shared children together, approach mediation sessions with your spouse based on what is in the best interest of your kids. This can help you both reach an agreement faster, versus simply focusing on what your own personal preferences are. Since you both likely love your children more than anything, at least you both can approach the conversation with the same perspective.

The Final Step: Signing Divorce Agreements

How quickly you and your spouse settle differences in mediation depends on how cooperatively you work together. Before signing a copy of your agreed upon divorce terms, speak with an divorce lawyer in Tampa FL at The McKinney Law Group. Your attorney can review the document to evaluate whether your rights and future wishes are protected.

A divorce lawyer in Tampa, FL at The McKinney Law Group can offer guidance as you attend mediation sessions with your spouse. While it is not required that you hire an attorney for mediation advice, it is highly recommended. Please reach out to a divorce lawyer Tampa FL relies on from our law firm today to schedule your first free consultation.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]