Tampa Divorce Lawyer
Why Avoid Social Media During a Divorce?
An experienced divorce lawyer in Tampa, FL understands that social media is such a huge part of people’s lives nowadays. Many people can’t go one day without posting something to their Facebook or Twitter accounts. However, the divorce lawyers serving Tampa, FL at The McKinney Law Group advise those going through a divorce to stay off social media. There’s no reason to further complicate an already difficult process by making posts on Twitter and Facebook. Here are some reasons why you should avoid social media during your divorce:
The Statements You Make Can Be Used Against You
If you post on Facebook and other social media sites, the statements you make could be used against you in court. A divorce lawyer for Tampa, FL knows that if you post something in social media that contradicts what you said in court, the judge will frown upon that. For example, if you told the judge that you haven’t been seeing anyone romantically during your divorce, but post on Facebook about what a great time you had on a date, it could hurt your case.
You Could Reveal Your Spending Habits
A divorce lawyer in Tampa, FL call tell you that finances are frequently discussed during divorce cases. If you make posts on Facebook, you could reveal things about your finances that you didn’t want the court to know. For instance, if you told the judge that you are struggling with your finances, but bragged on Facebook about how you’re going on a cruise, it could make you look bad.
Your Children Could See Posts About Your Ex
No matter how angry you are with your ex, you still want your children to have a positive image of him or her. A Tampa, FL divorce lawyer will advise you to never post anything negative about your ex on social media. Many kids these days have social media accounts and may see what you post on your pages.
Your Friends Can Tag You in Posts
Even if you don’t post anything about your personal life on social media, your friends can still tag you in posts. Some of the post they tag you in might not put you in a favorable light. For example, if your friends tag you in a photo where you all were drinking at a bar, it might make you look like an irresponsible parent in front of the judge.
Your Posts Can Lead to Misunderstandings
Just about any post on social media can be taken way out of context. For instance, if you post a photo of you drinking some wine with your friends at your home, your ex could blow it out of proportion and tell the judge that you drink all the time.
As you can see, social media can cause a lot of unnecessary problems during your divorce. Staying complete off social media can help make things less stressful. If you are looking for a divorce lawyer in Tampa, FL to take your case, contact The McKinney Law Group. Our divorce lawyers serving Tampa, FL have handled hundreds of divorce cases throughout the years and can help you through the entire process.