With us by your side, you can be confident that you have made the right choice.
Actions That Can Harm Your Child Custody Case
Going through a divorce is never easy. When you and your spouse have children, it can make the situation even more complicated. If your goal is to gain custody of your children, everything you say and...
Child Support FAQs
Child support is crucial to a child and its upbringing, and it’s extremely important to understand child support laws work so that you know that your child will be supported throughout their young l...
What is Alimony?
Alimony is the legal obligation on a person to provide financial support to their spouse before or after marital separation or divorce. Alimony has been established to help provide the lower-income sp...
How to Deal with Child Custody
If you are planning on divorcing or separating from a domestic partner and if children are involved then you’ll most likely need to establish plans on child custody and visitation issues established...
What Is Family Law?
Family law often refers to laws and legal procedures that involve marriage, divorce, custody disputes, child support, and visitation. This is an area of law that is concerned with domestic relations b...
5 Things to Think About When Considering Divorce
If you have been thinking about divorce then you are most likely dealing with a lot of thoughts and wondering what it might mean to be single. It is a difficult decision that will most likely uproot y...
When Can I Start Dating While Going Through a Divorce?
In several jurisdictions, if you are living separate from your spouse and you have no intent to resume the marital relationship, then you wouldn’t be committing adultery by dating someone else. Your...
What is Child Support Fraud?
Family Lawyer Child support is one of the most important elements of any divorce. Many spouses try to negotiate the terms of child support amongst themselves over mediation, but if that proves not to ...
Alimony: Protecting Your Finances During Divorce
Family Law Group Let's say that you’ve worked really hard for most of your life so far. That means you have earned and saved and put in the time required to yield the lifestyle you have. It’s no w...