Tampa Paternity

Can My Child’s Last Name be Changed?

While name changes during dissolution cases can be easily petitioned, name changes for minors require more cause. 

Tampa Florida Divorce Law Firm black and white image of attorney from neck down with one hand folded over the other

Top 3 “Need to Knows” about The Spying Spouse

How to handle a spouse that is looking over your shoulder during your dissolution case. 


high asset divorce

My ex-spouse quit before retirement age, can I still get a portion of the pension?

A recent court ruling finds that pensions awards may change if your ex-spouse experience a job change. 

Tampa Custody Attorney

Passports for Minor Children

Common questions regarding obtaining and handling a passport for your child. 

Tampa military divorce

What happens to my time sharing when I am deployed?

For parents who are going to be deployed, your timesharing rights can be reallocated.  

Tampa Custody Attorney

My Ex falsely accused me of child abuse, what should I do?

Accusations of child abuse is never taken lightly, but it is possible where one parent may plea that for their own gain. 

Tampa divorce lawyer

Does Cheating Matter?: An Ashley Madison Affair

If infidelity is the cause of a divorce, the court may still take that into consideration. 

high asset divorce

Can I Keep My Engagement Ring?

If you called off your engagement, you may want to be prepared to turnover your ring. 

Tampa Relocation Attorney

If both parents agree, can I move out of state with my children?

Moving long distance with children requires more than a mutual verbal agreement. 

high asset divorce

If my vehicle is in my spouse’s name when I file for divorce, will my car be taken away?

If your name is not a title, you may not immediately lose your vehicle.