With us by your side, you can be confident that you have made the right choice.
Determining Parenting Time For Your Kids
If you are going through a divorce and you have children, it is likely you have come across the phrase “Parenting Time Plan” before. As you try to create the best custody arrangement for your fami...
How A Family Attorney Helps With Mediation
When you are preparing for a divorce, you likely want it to be over with as soon as possible. While no one goes into a marriage hoping that it will be over quickly, divorce is a different story. Even ...
The Case For Prenuptial Agreements
Lisa Hochstein and Lenny Hochstein have been plastered all over different entertainment news sources in Florida lately since their contentious and messy divorce went public last year. Most recently, a...
Why Meet With An Elder Law Lawyer
Family Law Lawyer As a family law lawyer can explain, hiring a lawyer who specializes in elder law may be the step that you need to take if you have a legal matter that you are not sure how to tackle...
Tampa, Florida Prenups: Can I Keep the Dog?
Prenups: Can I Keep the Dog? People are motivated in seeking a prenuptial agreement for a variety of reasons. For some, they may want to protect a recent or anticipated inheritance. Others may hav...
When Should a Prenup Be Signed
When Should Prenups Be Signed? There's a lot of planning to do for a wedding, especially a sizable one. There's finding a suitable date and location, food and entertainment options, and a wedding p...
The Imprtance of Determining Your Outcome in a High Asset Divorce
The Importance of Determining Your Outcome in a High Asset Divorce This is not likely the first time you have heard this, but divorces can be messy. Even with the foresight of a prenuptial agreeme...
How Much Should a Prenuptial Agreement Cost
How Much Should a Prenup Cost? One of the most frequent questions we get, and one of the most difficult to answer, is “How much should a prenup cost?” While providing a specific general doll...
Why More Couples Than Ever are Getting Prenuptial Agreements
Why More Couples Than Ever Are Getting Prenuptial Agreements There is no doubt that prenuptial agreements are becoming increasingly popular. Estimates now place the number of couples entering marr...