With us by your side, you can be confident that you have made the right choice.
High Asset Divorce: What is a Forensic Accountant?
High Asset Divorce: What Is a Forensic Accountant It probably is no surprise that all divorces are different. Some can be straight-forward and relatively simple; others may involve children and co...
Questions To Ask Your Family Lawyer
When dealing with family law matters with the help of a family lawyer in Tampa FL, it’s important to have a clear understanding of the process, your rights and responsibilities, and the outcomes tha...
Most Common Questions Family Attorneys Get Asked
Are you considering working with family attorneys in Tampa, FL on a case? It can be a difficult decision to make, especially if you’re unsure of the questions to ask. To help you make the best decis...
Even Big Name Stars Need Custody Lawyers
It’s no surprise that even big name stars need legal help when it comes to the often difficult and complicated matter of custody. Whether you’re a celebrity or just a regular person, a Tampa FL cu...
Prenups Are Not Just for the Wealthy
Prenups are NOT Just for the Wealthy One of the biggest misconceptions about prenuptial agreements is that they are just for the wealthy. This misperception is understandable based on news media co...
If I Move Is My Prenuptial Agreement Still Valid?
Is My Prenup Agreement Valid If I Move? In our mobile society, it is more important than ever to be aware of the changes that can occur in your life if you were to move to another state or even ano...
$7 Million Adultery Award in Postnup is Upheld
$7 Million Adultery Award In Postnuptial Upheld Many of the questions we get regarding prenuptial and postnuptial agreements are whether the provisions that are included in them are actually enfor...
What Do I Need to Know About Child Custody?
Family Lawyer It's a sad situation, but sometimes divorce happens. In the worst case scenario, you and your spouse will go your separate ways – but your children may be caught in the middle. Fortuna...
Recognizing The Warning Signs of Divorce
Divorce Lawyer As a divorce lawyer St. Petersburg, FL trusts like our friends at the McKinney Law Group can explain, there are a few warning signs that you should be on the lookout for if your marriag...