
How to Make Things Easier for Everyone When Moving After Divorce

How to Make Things Easier for Everyone When Moving After Divorce

Divorce Attorney Moving after divorce can be emotionally, physically, and mentally exhausting. After dealing with legalities and who gets to keep what property and money, it can be difficult to gathe...

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Protecting Your Kids During a Child Custody Battle

Protecting Your Kids During a Child Custody Battle

Child Custody Lawyer A divorce is difficult enough as it is. If there are children involved, the process can become that much more complicated. Your kids mean that world to you and you want to do eve...

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Divorce Trends to Note in 2019

Divorce Trends to Note in 2019

Nearly half of all U.S. marriages end in divorce — which is not exactly new news in the divorce industry. It's a fact that most people don't consider on their wedding day, but the reality is many co...

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What Happens to Child Support When a Parent Moves to Another State?

What Happens to Child Support When a Parent Moves to Another State?

When one or both parents move to a new state, an existing child support order may still need to be enforced, or the move may create grounds for a modification. The process becomes a little more compli...

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Is Divorce on the Horizon? Here’s How to Prepare

Is Divorce on the Horizon? Here’s How to Prepare

Going through a divorce is emotional and overwhelming. Many people feel lost, alone, and ashamed throughout the process. Protecting yourself legally and financially becomes an afterthought. This is wh...

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How Do I Obtain an Annulment?

How Do I Obtain an Annulment?

Family Lawyer There are times when the terms of a marriage contract are treated in such a way that the law seeks to recognize that the marriage itself should have not been allowed to progress as orig...

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Is it important to have a court reporter present during a custody case?

Is it important to have a court reporter present during a custody case?

Historically, many courts paid for the service of a court reporter, however, times have changed and it is often the responsibility of one or both attorneys or law firms to foot the bill if they feel t...

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Do We Have Legal Options If My Child Was Harmed in a Juvenile Detention Center?

Do We Have Legal Options If My Child Was Harmed in a Juvenile Detention Center?

Family Lawyer There are few situations more heartbreaking for a parent than learning that your child has suffered harm at the hands of another. Sometimes, there is little to be done in situations lik...

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Why a Vocational Evaluation Is an Important Consideration for Florida Divorce

Why a Vocational Evaluation Is an Important Consideration for Florida Divorce

Although a vocational evaluation may sound like a concept solely concerned with job placement, it is actually a form of expert opinion that can greatly benefit your Florida divorce. Specifically, a vo...

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