Protecting Your Kids During a Child Custody Battle

Child Custody Lawyer

A divorce is difficult enough as it is. If there are children involved, the process can become that much more complicated. Your kids mean that world to you and you want to do everything you can to protect them from harm. Fortunately, there are several things you can do to protect your children during a custody battle.

Speak to Your Children

It’s a good idea to explain the custody battle to your children as soon as possible. Make sure that they understand the court proceedings and that the custody battle isn’t their fault. Be honest with your children and reassure them that you and your ex still love them dearly. If they have any questions, take the time to answer them.

Be Careful About What You Post on Social Media

When you are in the middle of a child custody battle, you have to be especially careful about what you post on your Facebook and other social media sites. You wouldn’t want your posts to be used against you in court. For example, if your ex find a photo of you drinking at a bar, he or she could show it to the judge and claim that you are an unfit parent. This can only hurt your children in the long run.

Don’t Talk Poorly About Your Ex

No matter how angry you are at your ex, you should refrain from bad mouthing him or her in front of your kids. This will make you seem petty and make your children feel uncomfortable. Instead, take the high road and avoid saying negative things about your ex. If you are really angry with your ex about something, you should step out of the room, until you calm down.

Be Civil Toward Your Ex

While no one expects you to get along famously with your ex, you should at least try to remain civil. Be courteous when you are around your ex and don’t say anything out of anger. Staying calm and polite will help you look good in front of the judge. He or she will believe you are level-headed and dedicated to putting your children first.

Follow Court-Issued Temporary Orders

During a custody battle, a judge may issue temporary orders until the custody has been finalized. For instance, the judge may rule that the kids will live with you for now, but the other parent will see them on the weekends. If you keep your ex from seeing your children on the scheduled visitation times, the judge will think you have little respect for authority and may use that against you in the final custody decision.

If you are fighting for the custody of your kids, it’s time to schedule a consultation with a qualified child custody lawyer Bloomington, IL offers. A child custody battle is a complicated and stressful process, so you don’t want to go through it alone. An experienced child custody lawyer can protect your legal rights and look after your best interests.

Thank you to our friends  Pioletti & Pioletti for their insight into family law and child custody battles.