Family Attorneys Tampa FL
Divorce is overwhelming, as family attorneys Tampa, FL relies on understands all too well. Even if you have been thinking about divorce for a long time, the emotional, legal, and logistical challenges you face when you actually initiate the divorce process can be exhausting. This is doubly true if you were not expecting the divorce, or if you do not think that it is the best option for your family. During this difficult time, keep in mind these basic Do’s and Dont’s:
DO Keep Your Composure. It is no surprise to you that divorce is accompanied by many emotions that can shift dramatically from day to day. You may experience relief, guilt, sadness, anger, grief, worry, and anything in between. When dealing with these emotions, it is important to keep your composure. It may feel good in the moment to yell and scream at your spouse, but ultimately it may hurt your divorce case. If you have children with your spouse, showing your anger can negatively affect future custody and visitation agreements. If you have trouble communicating with your spouse in person, consider using text, phone calls, emails, or letters to communicate, but remember to keep all communication cordial and professional. Read everything you write before you send it and make sure it is rational and reasonable.
DON’T Abuse Social Media. Similar to keeping your composure, do not take your emotions to social media. What you post on social media can sometimes be used against you in a divorce proceeding, even if you think that you have all of your privacy settings on high. In fact, it is best not to mention your divorce at all on social media. Never disparage your spouse on social media, even in private messages. If you need an outlet for your anger or resentment, instead of posting, talk with a trusted friend or consider seeing a mental health professional.
DO Consult with a Qualified Family Attorneys in Tampa, FL. Perhaps to most important “do” on your list should be “contact a lawyer.” Qualified and competent Tampa, FL family attorneys can give you advice on a host of issues including how to file for divorce, what happens if someone has filed for divorce against you, what kind of rights you have to continue living in your family home, and what kind of custody rights and obligations you have regarding your children. A family law attorney can also help you strategize about what outcome you would like from the divorce and how best to achieve it. For example, is it very important to you that you remain in your home? Is it important that you maintain full custody of your children? A family law attorney can help you evaluate how you may be able to keep those things in your life.
The initial stages of divorce can be confusing and wrought with emotional turmoil. Keeping your cool, staying away from social media, and consulting with Tampa, FL family attorneys, however, can go a long way in helping you stay positive and make it to the other side of a divorce with your dignity and life intact. Consider reaching out to experienced family attorneys Tampa, FL relies on at The McKinney Law Group today to find out more important do’s and don’ts regarding divorce.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]