Finding Assets in a High Asset Divorce
If you find yourself facing a divorce that involves sizable assets, seeking out and determining the value of these assets is critical. In a high asset divorce, it can be challenging. This is true now more than ever with digital assets like crypto currencies and web-based assets. In addition, foreign investments are often more common in a high asset divorce, as are business ownerships, high-value collectibles, jewelry, second homes, cars, and boats. To complicate matters, these assets may be under the name of one party, both parties, a business, or another legal entity.
Even if both parties are roughly aware of the main assets, smaller assets can add up to a significant amount. How can you have more confidence that all assets are being uncovered in a high value divorce?
It starts by securing legal representation from an attorney experienced in high asset divorce. An attorney with experience and who specializes in high asset divorces is more likely to have seen how assets may be hidden or “forgotten.” They likely have seen how assets can be moved, sold, or gifted prior to divorce proceedings. They also understand the value of building a team that can uncover these assets.
That team may include a forensic accountant or auditor who can look behind the numbers of a corporate balance sheet or tax returns to connect the dots to other holdings. It could even include the services of a private investigator to locate assets that may be undiscovered either by accident or intention.
Finding and determining the value of all assets in a high asset divorce is not a matter of greed or seeking an unfair share. In fact, uncovering all assets is ultimately fair in a divorce, so established precedents can determine how those assets should be treated.
Even when a prenup or postnup is in place, determining the value of assets is crucial. With so much at stake, representation from an attorney who specializes in high-asset divorces is important. In the Tampa, Florida and Hillsborough County area of the Sunshine State, we encourage you to contact us.
Our expertise in prenup and postnup agreements and our diligent, professional handling of high asset divorces make us uniquely qualified to take on your case. There’s no cost to find out if we can help. Contact us for an initial no-cost consultation.
Choose an attorney who specializes in marital and family law and high asset divorces. We look forward to discussing your situation with you.

Tampa Divorce Lawyer
If you have questions about a prenup agreement or a postnup agreement or require legal assistance in other areas of Family Law in Tampa, Florida such as high asset divorce you may always contact Damien McKinney of The McKinney Law Group to discuss your case further. He can be reached by phone at 813-428-3400 or by e-mail at [email protected].
We now offer virtual prenuptial agreements. Contact us to inquire further about our virtual prenup option.