Florida Divorce Law Firm

Experienced Florida Divorce Law Firm

Florida Divorce Law Firm

If you have ever watched a courtroom drama, you are likely familiar with the question, “Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth?” This question, or some variation of this question, is posed to witnesses before they testify before a judge under oath. But testifying as a witness in court is not the only time this question is asked of individuals affected by legal disputes. Such a question is also generally posed in either verbal or written form before individuals give depositions and before they submit certain kinds of documentation to the court that possesses legal effect. This is true in divorce and other family law cases, as well as personal injury cases, contract disputes, criminal law matters, and a host of other legal scenarios.

When you submit any documentation to the court that has legal effect, you generally do so either under oath or subject to penalty if it is proven to be falsified or incomplete. It is for this reason that you need to be exceptionally careful not to exaggerate (either positively or negatively) when filling out divorce documents that will be submitted to the court. Doing so may leave you vulnerable to significant penalties. When you work with an experienced Tampa, FL divorce attorney at The McKinney Law Group, we will do our best to ensure that you understand how important it is to be honest when providing information about your assets, etc. that will be submitted to the court for its evaluation. 

For example, if you are concerned that the court may award a significant amount of spousal support to your spouse and this reality makes you very upset, know that you’re not alone. Many individuals recoil at the idea of paying spousal support to someone who doesn’t need it, has behaved in a hurtful way or who behaves in ways that are entitled. But there are better ways to deal with your fears and frustrations than falsifying documentation, hiding assets or otherwise compromising the integrity of the information you provide to the court. Working with our experienced Florida divorce law firm to create a solid legal strategy will place you in the best possible position to obtain a fair divorce settlement. On the other hand, compromising the integrity of the information you submit to the court could lead to financial penalties, an unfair settlement or even jail time.

If you lie under oath, even if it is by filling out financial documentation incorrectly or incompletely, you could be charged with perjury. Perjury is a serious charge and is considered to be a crime against justice itself. For this reason, judges tend to treat those who commit perjury harshly. It is vitally important to avoid committing perjury if you have not already done so. If you have committed perjury, it is critical to speak with our Florida divorce law firm so that we can help you minimize the damage.

Our Trusted Divorce Law Firm in Tampa, FL The McKinney Law Group has been helping divorcing spouses with biological or adopted children for many, many years. As parents who adopted children together, chances are you didn’t imagine divorcing from your spouse. Realizing that it’s time to move on and create a new life can be heart-breaking. Even though you may have to find a new place to live, the one thing that will remain the same is taking care of your adopted children. During the divorce process, you and your ex will have to figure out an arrangement so that your adopted children still have significant time with each of you.

To help you both focus on what is best for your adopted children as you negotiate terms of custody, our Tampa, FL Trusted Divorce Law Firm may suggest keeping in mind the who, what, when, where, why, and how: 

The “Who”?

Decide who you want to help you negotiate the terms of your divorce settlement. Do you want to figure it out amongst yourself without court interference? Do you want to hire a mediator to assist with your discussions? Or, would you prefer to have our FL Trusted Divorce Law Firm in Tampa get involved? Third-party mediators can be helpful, as they are unbiased and not emotionally invested in the situation. 

The “What” and “Why”?

What do you want in regards to the child custody arrangement? Do you want to see your children on the weekends because you have a busy work schedule? Do you want to have custody of them so they can live with you? What does your ideal visitation and custody arrangement look like? Once you have figured that out, then you can talk it over with your spouse.

After expressing your preferences, a Tampa, FL divorce attorney may suggest gathering evidence to support your claims during negotiations. For example, maybe you want to have your children with you on Saturdays because that is a day that you always have off from work. So, bring a print-out from work that shows your work schedule history to emphasize your point.

The “When”?

When will it be best for you and your spouse to negotiate? It is better to agree upon a certain date and time versus ambushing your ex with a discussion when they aren’t prepared. This can only add more tension then there needs to be, potentially hindering you both from arriving at a resolution together. Lawyers from our Trusted Divorce Law Firm in FL at The McKinney Law Group can help you strategize on how best to approach sensitive conversations with your spouse. 

The “Where”? 

Where do you and your spouse want to discuss elements of the divorce settlement? Is there a neutral location you can meet at so you won’t be interrupted? Divorce is difficult on children, so if possible, you may want to arrange for them to have a baby sitter or spend the day with family so you and your spouse can dispute in private. Even if your children are too little to understand what you are talking about, they will be able to feel the emotions and tension in the room. 

The “How”?

How do you and your spouse want to negotiate? Do you want to use a mediator, arbitrator, talk amongst yourselves, or just go to court instead? Consider your current dynamic and whether talking peacefully is realistic. If it’s not, then you may need to have your lawyers at our Florida Trusted Divorce Law Firm do the back and forth negotiations for you instead. 

If you are currently undergoing a divorce and have biological or adopted children together, then we advise contacting our Florida Trusted Divorce Law Firm to speak with an experienced lawyer at The McKinney Law Group. 

How The McKinney Law Group Stands Apart from Other Florida Divorce Lawyers

Navigating the tumultuous waters of divorce requires more than just legal expertise; it demands a compassionate, personalized, and strategic approach. At The McKinney Law Group in Tampa, we pride ourselves on being distinctly different from other Florida divorce lawyers in several key ways:


  1. Personalized Attention: We believe every client is unique, and every case has its own set of intricacies. Our team takes the time to understand your specific circumstances, ensuring that our strategies align with your individual needs and goals.

  2. Expertise in High Net Worth Divorces: With a deep understanding of the complexities involved in high net worth divorces, we are adept at handling substantial asset divisions, ensuring that your wealth is protected and fairly distributed.

  3. Commitment to Communication: We prioritize open and transparent communication. Our clients are always kept in the loop, ensuring they are empowered with knowledge and clarity at every stage of the process.

  4. Strategic Approach: Rather than a one-size-fits-all method, we employ a strategic approach tailored to the unique dynamics of each case. This ensures optimal outcomes for our clients.

  5. Passion for Client Advocacy: At The McKinney Law Group, we are more than just lawyers; we are fierce advocates for our clients. We fight diligently to protect your rights and interests, both in and out of the courtroom.

  6. Ethical Standards: Our reputation is built on a foundation of integrity and ethical practice. Clients can trust that our advice and actions are always in their best interest.

  7. Community Engagement: We are deeply rooted in the Tampa community and are committed to giving back. Our involvement extends beyond the courtroom, reflecting our dedication to the well-being of the community we serve.

  8. Continued Education: The legal landscape is ever-evolving. Our team is committed to continuous learning, ensuring we are always equipped with the latest knowledge and best practices in divorce law.


In a sea of options, The McKinney Law Group rises above as a beacon of expertise, compassion, and dedication. When you choose us, you’re not just getting a lawyer; you’re gaining a partner committed to guiding you towards a brighter future. Experience the difference for yourself; reach out to our team today.


Contact Our Florida Divorce Law Firm Today!

If you have questions about the divorce process, please do not hesitate to speak with our Florida divorce law firm. Our lawyers specialize in this area of law and will be able to advise you of your legal options so that you can make informed decisions about your process, regardless of whether you have committed wrongdoing or you suspect that your spouse has falsified documents submitted to the court. Not all answers to situations like these are immediately apparent, but seeking experienced counsel can aid you in finding necessary answers as soon as possible.