Rather than making a New Year’s Resolution to shed 5 or 10 pounds, you should resolve to shed the weight of your failing marriage. As the new year begins, now is the perfect time to begin a fresh start. However, before you contact a Tampa divorce lawyer to begin the process, you should start preparing for divorce.
These are the steps that our Tampa divorce attorney recommends that you take before you begin divorce proceedings in Florida:
Organize Your Financial Documents
One of the best things you can do to protect yourself during divorce is to have all of your financial information prepared in advance. These are a few steps that you should take:
- Close any joint credit cards that you share.
- Compile all financial statements from any joint accounts that you have with your spouse.
- Prepare a post-divorce budget for yourself.
- Identify marital assets and debts that you have acquired.
Continue to Keep it Civil
When your marriage is crumbling, it can be difficult to be polite. However, it is important that you do your best to keep things as civil as possible, particularly in front of your children. You should make a commitment now not to talk poorly about your former spouse in front of your kids, as this is best for everyone in the long-term.
Stay In Your Current House, if Possible
You may be anxious to move out and move on, but it can actually have a negative impact on your settlement if you leave your marital home prior to the divorce being finalized. Of course, if your current living situation is unsafe, it is best to find a secure place to stay as soon as possible.
Find a Qualified Tampa Divorce Lawyer
As you begin to prepare your documents and make your plans for life after divorce, you should start researching local divorce lawyers. You should find a reputable Tampa divorce lawyer who is committed to advocating for you and providing you with the results that you need.
It’s important to keep in mind that your divorce is more than just the end of your marriage — it’s a new beginning for you. It is an opportunity for you to move forward and chart your own course. When you prepare properly for your divorce and hire the right Tampa divorce attorney, you will enjoy a seamless process that allows you to finalize the divorce as quickly as possible.
For more information on filing for divorce in Florida, contact our Tampa divorce lawyer today.

If you have questions for a Tampa divorce lawyer, or are unaware of the terms and conditions of a Tampa divorce, talk to, and retain, a family law attorney who can help. Contact Damien McKinney of The McKinney Law Group to discuss your case further. He can be reached by phone at 813-428-3400 or by e-mail at [email protected]