Spring Cleaning: Tips for Dividing Property Fairly

The spring season is often synonymous with a clean state and a fresh start. If you know that your marriage is over and it’s time to pursue a divorce, then now is the ideal time to begin the process with an experienced Tampa divorce lawyer. This year, as you begin your spring cleaning, start to divide your property and discuss what you want to do with your assets.

Here’s a few tips to help you get started:

Create a list of personal items that you have an emotional attachment to.

In any marriage, both parties bring personal items to the household that hold significant meaning. In addition, couples often acquire more personal items throughout their marriage, and they may feel attached to those items as well. Begin creating a list for reference of any personal items that you want to keep because they mean something to you. Allow your former spouse to do the same, so that you can be organized as you start to divide the personal property that is in your home.

Discard personal items that you will no longer want after the divorce is finalized.

As you go through your home and decide what will stay with you after the divorce, it’s important to also get rid of anything that you won’t want or need after it is finalized. For example, many couples no longer want souvenirs from vacations they took together or photographs from their wedding day. Instead of keeping unnecessary items that may make you feel sad or angry, opt to discard them instead. However, make sure that your former spouse is okay with you doing this. The last thing you want to do is start an argument because you threw out a personal item that they may have wanted to save.

Be open and willing to negotiating as you try to divide your property.

Sorting through your personal items and dividing your property can be a challenging and emotional experience — for both you and your spouse. It helps to keep an open mind and to compromise when necessary. This will help the process move forward, rather than stall out over a couple of photo albums or a prized piece of art.

Instead of hiring a cleaning company to do a deep clean of your home this spring, hire a Tampa divorce attorney who will help you get the fresh start that you really need. For more information on divorce proceedings in Florida and to learn more about dividing marital assets, contact our Tampa law firm today.

If you have questions for a Tampa divorce lawyer, or are unaware of the terms and conditions of a Tampa divorce, talk to, and retain, a family law attorney who can help. Contact Damien McKinney of The McKinney Law Group to discuss your case further. He can be reached by phone at 813-428-3400 or by e-mail at [email protected]