Air Force Grants 1st Assignment Under New Co-Parenting Accommodation Policy

Divorced parents in the military have long struggled to find a balance between serving their country and being close to their children. Recently, divorced parents serving in the Air Force received great news. Members of the U.S. Air Force can apply to defer their assignments or request a specific location based on their custody agreements. […]

Military Divorce: What You Need to Know

A marriage in which one or both partners is a member of military is unique in many ways. While most civilians are able to make their marriages and their families a top priority, a military family must always put their country first. This can put stress on a marriage, which can be difficult to overcome. […]

5 Tips for a Military Divorce

5 tips you should know when facing a military divorce.

What Can You Do If Your Soldier Cuts You Off Financially?

What to do if your military spouse no longer provides financial support for your family.

The United States Supreme Court Agrees to Review a Military Retirement Issue in a Divorce Case: What Does This Mean for Your Military Retirement?

How a military divorce case landed at the steps of the Supreme Court.

Can I Keep My Commissary and Exchange Privileges After Divorce?

Which military privileges no longer apply to ex-spouses of service members?

Military Domestic Violence Injunction Remedies

When remedies for military domestic violence are needed, civil & criminal statutes are used to provide relief. 

Are My VA Benefits Marital Property? What About Alimony?

Veteran benefits are protected from creditors, but are they protected against your ex-spouse?

Military Divorce: Can I Keep My Military ID Card?

For non-military spouses, military IDs can be revoked if specific qualifications are not met.

Is My Military Accrued Vacation Time and Sick Leave a Marital Asset?

Military divorces come with additional strings, including what is considered an assets for equitable distribution. 

Is My Thrift Savings Plan (TSP) a Marital Asset?

In any divorce case, retirement funds are fair ground for equitable distribution.

Survivor Benefit Plan FAQs

For those serving in the armed forces, a survivor benefit plan is a way of supporting your family. 

Is Overseas Housing Allowance (OHA) included as income for Child Support payment calculations?

Even if the funds are from the government, these funds play a factor in your child support. 

What is the Ten-Year Rule?

It is vital to understand the Ten-Year Rule and how it impacts your pension. 

Is my military pension a marital asset?

Your pensions may be at risk. 

Family Attorneys Tampa, FL
October 28, 2023 The Mckinney Law Group

Divorce Paperwork In FL Just Got Easier

One of the most challenging aspects of the average divorce process involves gathering and reporting information about one’s assets and finances. Even the most responsible and conscientious adults li
Divorce Lawyer Tampa, FL
October 25, 2023 The Mckinney Law Group

Should You Keep A Marital Home Post-Divorce?

The decision of whether to keep a marital home post-divorce is one of the most significant and emotionally charged choices many face during the separation process. As an experienced Tampa divorce lawy
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September 28, 2023 The Mckinney Law Group

The Impact Of Prenup Agreements On Divorce

Prenuptial agreements, often referred to as prenups, are legal documents that couples create before getting married to outline how their assets, debts, and other financial matters will be managed in t
Tampa Divorce Lawyer
September 28, 2023 The Mckinney Law Group

Collaborative Divorces And Children

How A Collaborative Divorce Can Benefit The Children Divorce is undoubtedly a challenging experience for all involved, and children are particularly vulnerable to the emotional and psychological effec
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August 2, 2022 The Mckinney Law Group

Common Divorce FAQs

If you have decided to end your marriage, there are steps you should take in order to protect your parenting rights (if you have children) and your rights to martial steps. The divorce process can be
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January 14, 2021 The McKinney Law Group

A Fresh Perspective on Divorce: Why It’s a Beginning Rather than an End

Defined as the act of legally dissolving a marriage, divorce is often thought of as an ending. However, if you have been seeking counsel from a Tampa divorce lawyer and you are ready to pursue divorce
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January 12, 2021 The McKinney Law Group

Preparing for Divorce in the New Year

Rather than making a New Year’s Resolution to shed 5 or 10 pounds, you should resolve to shed the weight of your failing marriage. As the new year begins, now is the perfect time to begin a
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October 22, 2020 The McKinney Law Group

The Latest Pandemic Trend: Divorce

As one stay-at-home order after another was issued in March, a lot of people began to joke about the inevitable baby boom that was sure to come in December 2020. It was assumed that all of that one-on
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October 12, 2020 The McKinney Law Group

Air Force Grants 1st Assignment Under New Co-Parenting Accommodation Policy

Divorced parents in the military have long struggled to find a balance between serving their country and being close to their children. Recently, divorced parents serving in the Air Force received gre
Tampa Divorce
October 5, 2020 The McKinney Law Group

Staying Connected to Your Kids Via Zoom

The COVID-19 pandemic has forced people around the globe to learn how to stay connected while staying apart. Social distancing is challenging in and of itself, but it can be particularly hard for divo
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March 11, 2020 The Mckinney Law Group

How a Moving Company Can Help after a Divorce

For most people, the time immediately following a divorce is chaotic with changes. They may also be experiencing relief and joy as well as fear and uncertainty about their future. They may also have s
How Can a Divorce Case and Personal Injury Case Affect Each Other?
May 16, 2019 The Mckinney Law Group

How Can a Divorce Case and Personal Injury Case Affect Each Other?

Tampa, FL Divorce Lawyer Going through a divorce is difficult enough as it is. If you’re filing for divorce and a personal injury lawsuit at the same, it can make your situation even more complicate

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