Start Fresh in the New Year: Why You Should File for Divorce in January

It seems that everywhere you turn during the month of December, you see a man down on one knee with a diamond ring in his hand. The holiday season is rife with romance and proposals, but January is the month where you need to contact your Tampa divorce attorney. The beginning of the new year is the ideal time for a fresh start.

Here’s a few reasons to consider filing for divorce in January:

You may be in a better financial position in January.

During the month of December, you likely received gifts of money as well as holiday bonuses or quarterly payouts. This extra income that goes above and beyond your monthly income can help give you the resources you need in order to file for divorce. January is an ideal time to evaluate your budget, reduce your spending and make a commitment to save more. At the same time, you likely have extra cash available to begin the divorce process and start your new, independent life.

With tax season on the way, it’s a good time to prepare documentation.

Even if you were not preparing for divorce, you would likely start gathering your documents from the previous year in order to prepare for the upcoming tax season. In order to file for divorce and to finalize the process as quickly as possible, you are going to need to collect documentation from all aspects of your life. In addition to the financial statements that you need for your taxes, you also will want to gather any pre-nuptial agreements, loan statements, investment statements, property deeds, titles and more. After the chaos of the holidays, January is a good time to sit down and get organized, particularly if you are planning to get divorced.

You can make the decision with a clear head, without the added stress of the holidays.

The holidays can particularly daunting if you and your spouse are not getting along. The busy schedules and endless holiday gatherings with family can heighten emotions and fuel arguments. It’s easy to think that you want to end your marriage in December, but by January cooler heads may have prevailed. If you are still feeling like it’s time to move forward with divorce in January, then you know that you are making this important decision with a sound mind and without added stress.

If you are unhappy in your marriage, don’t spend another year in misery. Contact your Tampa divorce attorney today, and schedule a consultation to learn more about divorce in Florida.

If you have questions regarding a divorce attorney (Tampa, Florida), or are unaware as to the terms and conditions in, talk to, and retain, a family law attorney who can help. Contact Damien McKinney of The McKinney Law Group to discuss your case further. He can be reached by phone at 813-428-3400 or by e-mail at [email protected]