The Divorce Process – Tampa Divorce Attorney 2

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00:00:03: After financial discovery is completed by both parties the next step in your case would be going to mediation mediation is a mandatory requirement for all family law cases that are filed in Florida whether it is an initial case that’s filed or a post judgment case or even a motion for contempt that’s filed or enforcement mediation is a great process if you’re not familiar with it typically if you hire the bikini law firm I’ll be there with you in one room and your spouse or significant other will be in another room with his or her

00:00:36: Attorney the mediator will go back and forth attempting to broker an agreement between the parties it is a great process I probably say about 90 to 95 percent of my cases settle in mediation if you do settle up mediation then an agreement will be drafted and approved and reviewed by the mediator and the attorneys and ultimately will be signed at mediation if that agreement resolves all issues that pretty much will resolve your case sometimes in mediation we can resolve partial issues and remainder of

00:01:11: The issues that weren’t able to be resolved can be taken to a follow hearing to try I definitely encourage all my clients to put their best foot forward and try to settle their case of mediation as opposed to letting us judge who is essentially a stranger stranger to you of your family make a determination about your assets and your children and anything else involved in your case if you would like to discuss these issues further feel free to contact me at the McKinney law firm either by phone eight one three four two

00:01:43: Eight three four zero zero or visit our website at McKinney law for further information