What Complexities Are Involved In High Net Worth Divorce Cases? – The McKinney Law Group

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00:00:02: So high net worth divorce cases are divorce cases that have quite a bit of assets and you know one complexity is really determining what all those assets are often times people you know that have high net worth they might have a business and we might have to bring in a forensic accountant to value that business or sometimes they have businesses held with other people so we have to determine what percentage you own in that business as opposed to the other people that are not party to the

00:00:30: Div for having a forensic accountant is probably going to be my number one advice in a high asset case so they are specialized and they’re trained to determine and find assets that are out there determine what’s marital and what’s non-marital another complexity would be determining appreciation like there’s passive appreciation and active appreciation and one of those is merital one of those is not determining all those in a high net worth asset can be complex and like I said highly advisable that a forensic accountant trained in

00:00:58: Divorce cases comes in and looks at your case