What Factors Do The Court Consider In Deciding Child Custody Arrangements? – The McKinney Law Group

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00:00:04: Each state that you’re in they’re going to have a different statute to determine custody Arrangements but I know that every state in the United States has what’s called the best interest of the child standard each state might have a little different factors but they’re all pretty much the same how is the relationship with each parent and the child you know how is the parent mental and physical fitness um how stable is your home environment one big one a lot of my clients ask is you know with the

00:00:30: Court determine the child’s preference and it’s been my experience that most courts tend to not look at you know what a child is going to say and what they what their preference is going to be when making a custody determination and they really don’t want to involve the children but you know some other factors of Court looks at as the ability you have to co-parent with the other parent how well do you get along how well do you make parenting decisions they want to know if there’s any history of

00:00:53: Domestic violence or if there’s any abuse Etc they want to know if their children have any siblings and they really the public policy is to try to keep those siblings together some factors they look at are your work schedule perhaps you work at nights and you can’t have overnights or where you live the geographical considerations for example you could live in one state and the other parents in another state of course you know you couldn’t do 50/50 so they have to draft what’s called a long distance parenting plan there are

00:01:17: Numerous factors the court looks at those are only a few that I’ve highlighted [Music]