What Should I Expect From My Divorce Attorney? – The McKinney Law Group

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00:00:04 so the decision to pick a divorce attorney is a a very big one and there are all different types of lawyers out there and you want to make sure you pick one that is the right fit for you but at a minimum your lawyer needs to do at least three things number one your lawyer needs to communicate with you about what’s going on with your case and you know if if motion’s filed if something happens in your case you need to know about it additionally if you call your lawyer you have a question your lawyer needs to call you back if

00:00:32 that’s not happening you need to move on I will say at my office you will be on a texting basis with me and my staff so if you have questions you have any issues shoot us a text you should normally get a response right away if it’s within working hours if not you’ll get a response the first thing next morning number two your lawyer needs to be setting realistic expectations for you about what’s going to happen in your case look we’re not yes men we’re not here to do your bidding we’re here to advise you and help you set reasonable

00:00:59 expectations about what’s going to happen in court and what you can expect from the judge if your lawyer is not doing that you definitely need to move on and then number three at a minimum your lawyer needs to have family law experience do not hire a lawyer that works in another field to do your divorce case it doesn’t make sense family law is very complex family law is very Regional you need to have a lawyer that has experience and knows what they’re doing and then you also need to have a lawyer that is in the trenches

00:01:25 working with these judges on a daily basis