Why Prenups Makes Sense for Couples Who Pay Their Own Way
It is understandable while couples of means would choose to get a prenup when considering marriage. There are generally plenty of assets, including investments, real estate, and often businesses, at stake. But the fact is more, and more average couples are securing prenups. Much of this is due to the fact that many couples are getting married later in life and are on their way to building their own assets and careers.
Another reason prenups are gaining in popularity is that more and more couples are used to paying their own way. For these couples, prenups are simply common sense. Here’s why.
Couples Still Want to Maintain Individuality
Sure, when couples get married, they are ready to embark on a joint journey. That doesn’t mean they are ready to give up their individuality or personal assets.
They are Used to Splitting Bills
Many couples who live together are already splitting bills. One may take care of electric while the other cable. Each may be responsible for their own cellphones. Prenups are just the next step in clearly defining ownership and responsibility. For many, it is a natural progression.
Financial Discussions are More Common
Younger couples are more prone to be comfortable with conversations involving finances. They are often more open about income, investments, and goals. This is a terrific atmosphere in which to discuss a prenup agreement. Couples who already pay their own way seem to be more comfortable with such discussions.
Couples Crafting a Prenup Should Have Their Own Legal Representation
Couples who pay their own way will be less likely to have a problem paying for their own representation. This is a fundamental part of getting a prenup. You want to be assured that your interests are being represented fully. Many appreciate the ability to select their own representation.
There was a time when getting married meant an emotional and financial merger. While that is still a part of marriage today, more and more couples who are used to paying their own way are used to a bit more financial individuality. A prenup is perfect for such couples.
When you are ready to get serious about your prenup, we invite you to contact us. We are Tampa, Florida, specialists in the preparation of prenup and postnuptial agreements, including for couples just like you. Connect with us for your free initial consultation and get started today.

Tampa Divorce Lawyer
If you have questions about a prenup agreement or a postnup agreement or require legal assistance in other areas of Family Law in Tampa, Florida such as high asset divorce you may always contact Damien McKinney of The McKinney Law Group to discuss your case further. He can be reached by phone at 813-428-3400 or by e-mail at [email protected].
We now offer online prenuptial agreements. Contact us to inquire further about our online prenup option.