Why Should You Consider A Prenuptial Agreement? – The McKinney Law Group

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00:00:04 so in my opinion I think everyone should have a prenup a prenup can really help you come to the table with your future spouse and look at what your financial rights and responsibilities are going forward because sometimes and often people get married and they don’t know what the other side’s Financial picture is a prenup forces you to take a look at that and you might find that that person has quite a bit of debt or they might have significant assets that you didn’t know about so a prenup can help you

00:00:30 determine that it also can help you avoid future Financial conflicts which in my opinion are one of the biggest reasons people divorce a prenup could also help protect your inheritance and your family heirlooms Etc I would say that’s probably one of the biggest factors where people come to my office looking for prenups because they want to protect what they are going to inherit from their family it also can help you protect individual assets such as businesses or safeguarded business that you have that you don’t want the other

00:00:56 party to get in the event of divorce um it really really helps you sit down and determine okay we don’t want to get divorced however if we do this agreement will tell us how to do it smoothly and not fight