Why You Should Feel Good About Your Decision to Get a Prenup
It is quite normal to have questions about a prenup. Even having concerns or doubts about a prenuptial agreement can be common. There are, after all, lingering misperceptions about the documents. Here, however, are some of the reasons you should feel good about your decision to get a prenuptial agreement.
More and More Couples are Gravitating to Them
You can feel good knowing that more and more engaged couples are making the decision to get a prenup. Within the last few years, that number has grown from just about 3% to 15%. Younger couples are particularly embracing prenuptial agreements, with about 40% entering marriage with one.
It Demonstrates Mutual Respect
Rather than being viewed as a sign of lack of trust or insecurity, more people are realizing that prenups demonstrate transparency, trust, and respect for each other as individuals.
A Prenup Can Provide Clarity
Prenuptial agreements can help couples openly and honestly talk about their finances and how they will be handled throughout their marriage. This can help them open up about debts, assets, and financial goals.
There’s a Reason It Is Called a Prenup “Agreement”
A prenuptial agreement is a legal document that details and elaborates on what you agree upon should there be a future divorce. It is not designed to be competitive, and coercing this type of agreement may invalidate its provisions. It should be crafted in the spirit of love, respect, and mutual understanding.
It Can Protect Items of Great Personal Meaning and Value
As couples marry at an older age, they are more likely to accumulate assets. They may have gotten an inheritance, been gifted a valued piece of jewelry, or even obtained real estate. These items can be accounted for in a prenup agreement, and that should make you feel good.
A Prenup Can Help Secure Your Future
With a prenup in place, you can enter a marriage knowing you have taken steps to secure your future. A prenup could even specify what any future alimony may be. A prenup enhances the bonds of a marriage while protecting and respecting the rights of the individuals. A prenup can even be versatile enough to determine the fate of a beloved pet.
If you really want to feel comfortable about your prenuptial agreement, choose a family law attorney who specializes in prenup agreements. In Tampa, Florida, we encourage you to contact us. We will help you avoid the common mistakes that some make when preparing prenups.
It starts with a no-obligation initial consultation. We will answer your questions to alleviate any concerns.
You should feel good about your decision to get a prenup prior to your wedding. We can help.

Tampa Divorce Lawyer
If you have questions about a prenup agreement or a postnup agreement or require legal assistance in other areas of Family Law in Tampa, Florida such as high asset divorce you may always contact Damien McKinney of The McKinney Law Group to discuss your case further. He can be reached by phone at 813-428-3400 or by e-mail at [email protected].
We now offer online prenuptial agreements. Contact us to inquire further about our online prenup option.