With us by your side, you can be confident that you have made the right choice.
Preparing To File For Divorce
Thinking about filing for divorce can be an overwhelming process but it is important to understand that you don’t have to approach it without guidance – scheduling a consultation with a trusted Ta...
What You Should Know About Asset Division Pending A Divorce
In Alaska, Arizona, California, Idaho, Louisiana, Nevada, New Mexico, Texas, Washington, and Wisconsin, any asset acquired during a marriage is generally considered to be community property and will b...
How Does Collaborative Law Work?
For many people, the word “divorce” conjures up images of a husband and wife waging war against each other. It may also include fighting over who will get custody of the children, the house, and e...
How a Divorce Lawyers’ Fee Agreement May Work
There are many different kinds of lawyers, and each one might focus on a specific area of the law. There are also general lawyers who have experience with a broad range of legal issues encompassing va...
Using Social Media During A Family Legal Dispute
The primary reason why it is so important to be careful while using social media at this time is that your social media use could impact the outcome of your case in numerous ways. Both your private an...
Property Division Considerations – The Basics
Florida is not a community property state. As a result, all property acquired during a marriage is *usually*divided equally. However, there are circumstances under which the courts are permitted to de...
Equitable Division Standard and Hiding Assets
In general, property division settlements in divorce cases are held to an equitable division standard. This standard holds that, with few exceptions, marital property acquired during the duration of a...
Co-Parenting Tips For a Forward-Looking Relationship
Co-Parenting Tips For a Forward-Looking Relationship Nobody wants to be stuck in court forever. After a divorce or custody case is finished, the case should be done, right? Fortunately, a good majo...
How to Select the Right Guardian for Your Children
Estate Lawyer One of the most important aspects of estate planning is choosing a guardian for your minor children. After all, you want your children to be taken care of should you die suddenly. Being ...