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How to Address Your COVID-19 Concerns with Your Ex During the Holidays
Creating a holiday visitation schedule can be stressful and frustrating during normal times, but the COVID-19 pandemic is making it even more difficult for couples to come to an agreement. If you are...
Read MoreDo You Need a Prenup? 5 Signs to Look For
Prenuptial agreements are not considered to be the most romantic aspect of wedding planning, but they can be one of the most important steps you take to protect yourself and your assets in the event o...
prenuptial agreement
Read MoreMany Households with Kids Facing Financial Strain
The COVID-19 pandemic took everyone by surprise. It was a cataclysmic event that everyone assumed they would watch from afar, never realizing that the virus would soon sweep onto our own shores. As ca...
Read MoreThe Latest Pandemic Trend: Divorce
As one stay-at-home order after another was issued in March, a lot of people began to joke about the inevitable baby boom that was sure to come in December 2020. It was assumed that all of that one-on...
Read MoreNo mask, no child custody. COVID-19 is a new factor in family law.
The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the deep divisions that exist in the United States, and the impact of this national health crisis is trickling down into the courtroom. During this unprecedented...
Read MoreAir Force Grants 1st Assignment Under New Co-Parenting Accommodation Policy
Divorced parents in the military have long struggled to find a balance between serving their country and being close to their children. Recently, divorced parents serving in the Air Force received gre...
Read MoreStaying Connected to Your Kids Via Zoom
The COVID-19 pandemic has forced people around the globe to learn how to stay connected while staying apart. Social distancing is challenging in and of itself, but it can be particularly hard for divo...
Read MoreHow to Navigate Virtual Learning and Split Custody
Since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic in the late winter months of 2020, divorced couples have had to navigate through unprecedented challenges. As the summer turned to fall, and the virus continue...
Read MoreMaintaining a Clear and Rational Mind through the Divorce Process
Divorce is primarily an adversarial process; therefore, it should come as no surprise that there are going to be some bumps along the way. It is important to accept that there are going to be rough da...