The Critical Components of the CFL Process

Collaborative Family Law in Tampa, FL When it comes to collaborative family law in Tampa, FL it is extremely important to understand the critical components of the CFL process. You and your lawyer will prayer for meetings and structure the negotiation along the same path as your spouse and their lawyer. Your lawyer is going […]

A Quick Guide to the Legal Separation Process

Family Law Group in Tampa, FL Ending a marriage is never a simple task. This is true even if you and your spouse have decided to file for legal separation rather than a divorce. You may want to try working on the marriage but feel you and your partner cannot live under the same roof […]

The Benefits of Collaborative Family Law

Collaborative Family Law in Tampa, FL The process of you choosing in your marriage is going to have a reaching impact on your life, in all of these ways custodial, financial and emotional. Depending upon where you live you can have many options of mediation, collaborative family law or collaborative practice, traditional negotiation or litigation. […]

How to Deal with Your Emotions During a Divorce

There’s no denying that going through a divorce is difficult. Your life is about to change considerably and you may experience a wide range of emotions. As a divorce lawyer, like one from Farkas & Crowley, P.A. can explain, you can take steps to deal with your emotions in healthier ways. Create a Regular Exercise […]

high asset divorce

4 Ways To Protect Assets During a Divorce

Protecting Assets in a Divorce It’s no secret that marriage can be difficult. Joining two lives together can come with frustrations, compromises, and misunderstandings that may lead to resentment over time. Once that animosity creeps in, it can be challenging for both parties to overcome. In fact, it’s so difficult to do that 41% of […]

Tampa Divorce Lawyer

What is Collaborative Family Law?

Collaborative Family Law Deciding to end a relationship is a deeply personal decision, and when you have a family together making the right choices can be a difficult process. As a lawyer who practices collaborative family law knows, like one from The Mckinney Law Group, finding the right approach and solutions to effectively resolve conflicts […]

Tampa divorce lawyer

When Should You Hire a Lawyer For Your Divorce?

Up until your case is finalized, you have the option of hiring a lawyer for your divorce. The short answer as to when you should hire a lawyer is as soon as possible, maybe even before you ever file for divorce. Here’s how a divorce lawyer like one from The Mckinney Law Group can help […]

Tampa Custody Attorney

3 Reasons to Hire a Divorce Lawyer Early

A marriage in trouble is not an uncommon situation. While the reasons behind it vary from simply growing apart to more extreme conditions, considering a separation or divorce is never an easy choice. It is also not an easy process, from the anxiety to trying to figure out the complex legal aspects of it. Once […]

Tampa Divorce Attorney

Tips For Navigating Divorce as Parent

Divorce is a painful and challenging process, but when you and your ex have a child together, the process can be even more difficult. Things can get heated quickly, and you and your spouse may frequently clash because you don’t agree on every detail. The reality is that you and your ex have to learn […]

Family law Tampa

Tips For Parents Going Through Divorce

Divorce Lawyer When a marriage ends, it is a challenging process for spouses to go through, but when a child is involved it can make the experience much more complicated. Spouses who have a child together may find it more difficult to be amicable during a divorce. Both parents who want what’s best for their […]