Help! My Ex Violates Our Parenting Schedule

If the court has ordered that you and your child’s other parent must co-parent according to a schedule, navigating that schedule can be tricky–even when everyone “plays by the rules.” However, As experienced Tampa, FL family lawyers – including those who work at The McKinney Law Group – can confirm, not all co-parents follow their […]

How Can Collaborative Family Law Help Me?

Collaborative Family Law in Tampa, FL Movies and television shows almost always show divorce as a fight between spouses over their property, money, and children. They portray courtroom clashes between angry parents and their lawyers. However, divorce can actually be quite civil. There are lots of reasons why partners may decide they no longer want […]

Three FAQs When You Are Considering Divorce

Divorce Lawyer in Clearwater, FL If you are facing a divorce, you likely have many questions. Separating from your spouse can be overwhelming, and splitting a shared life can feel daunting. This short guide covers some of the most frequently asked questions about divorces.  1. Who Gets Custody of the Children? If you have children, […]

Do I Need a Lawyer for a Legal Separation?

Separating can be hard emotionally and financially. A legal separation overseen by the courts can help to ensure that both parties are treated fairly during the process. Hiring a lawyer to help with your legal separation is highly recommended, especially if you have minor children and/or a complex financial situation. As an experienced Tampa, FL […]

Best Divorce Lawyer Tampa, Florida

What to Expect in Your Divorce Case

If you are reading this blog post, it may be because you have reached a point in your life where you feel that your marriage is broken beyond repair. You have tried every avenue you can think of to save your marriage, but you have reached the conclusion that it is in your best interests […]

The Critical Components of the CFL Process

Collaborative Family Law in Tampa, FL When it comes to collaborative family law in Tampa, FL it is extremely important to understand the critical components of the CFL process. You and your lawyer will prayer for meetings and structure the negotiation along the same path as your spouse and their lawyer. Your lawyer is going […]

A Quick Guide to the Legal Separation Process

Family Law Group in Tampa, FL Ending a marriage is never a simple task. This is true even if you and your spouse have decided to file for legal separation rather than a divorce. You may want to try working on the marriage but feel you and your partner cannot live under the same roof […]

The Benefits of Collaborative Family Law

Collaborative Family Law in Tampa, FL The process of you choosing in your marriage is going to have a reaching impact on your life, in all of these ways custodial, financial and emotional. Depending upon where you live you can have many options of mediation, collaborative family law or collaborative practice, traditional negotiation or litigation. […]

How to Deal with Your Emotions During a Divorce

There’s no denying that going through a divorce is difficult. Your life is about to change considerably and you may experience a wide range of emotions. As a divorce lawyer, like one from Farkas & Crowley, P.A. can explain, you can take steps to deal with your emotions in healthier ways. Create a Regular Exercise […]

high asset divorce

4 Ways To Protect Assets During a Divorce

Protecting Assets in a Divorce It’s no secret that marriage can be difficult. Joining two lives together can come with frustrations, compromises, and misunderstandings that may lead to resentment over time. Once that animosity creeps in, it can be challenging for both parties to overcome. In fact, it’s so difficult to do that 41% of […]