child support lawyer

Was your Child Support Hearing Transcribed?

A recent Florida decision is yet another reminder of how important the transcription of your case may be.

Tampa Relocation Attorney

Relocation of a Minor Child

Take the necessary steps and precautions needed to move your child. 

Tampa Florida Divorce Law Firm black and white image of attorney from neck down with one hand folded over the other

Be cautious of social media during a divorce

Social media and divorce do not mix. 

Tampa Divorce Lawyer

Middle aged and getting married? Here’s why you need a prenuptial agreement.

Prenuptial agreements can be created at any age. 

Family law Tampa

Common Questions Regarding Family Law

The most frequently asked questions on family law. 

Tampa Deposition

Three Tips for a Successful Deposition

Depositions do not have to be so scary. 

child support lawyer

Handling child support from a previous relationship

Child support becomes tricky when it is received from a past relationship. 

tampa divorce lawyer

Can you record your spouse’s phone calls?

Spying on your spouse’s behavior should not be your method of obtaining evidence. 

Tampa Custody Attorney

Tips and advice for custody disputes

These methods will help ease the burden of a custody battle.