With us by your side, you can be confident that you have made the right choice.
Why Prenups Makes Sense for Couples Who Pay Their Own Way
Why Prenups Makes Sense for Couples Who Pay Their Own Way It is understandable while couples of means would choose to get a prenup when considering marriage. There are generally plenty of assets, i...
Does a Prenup or Postnup Agreement Have to Be Fair?
Does a Prenup or Postnup Have to Be Fair? One of the most interesting and complex questions we get regarding prenuptial and postnuptial agreements is whether or not they are required to be “fair....
Do Prenups Favor the Husband?
Do Prenups Favor the Husband? There are quite a few misperceptions about prenup agreements. You may have a few of your own. Perhaps you think prenuptial agreements are just for the wealthy. You ...
Can a Prenup or Postnup Agreement Be Changed?
Can a Prenup or Postnup Agreement Be Changed? One of the fears some may have when considering a prenup or postnup is its seeming permanence. That, after all, is part of the point, isn't it? Couples...
Who Should Pay for a Prenup?
Who Should Pay for a Prenup? One of the initial questions we often get regarding prenup agreements is, "Can the couples use the same attorney?" Who then should pay for the agreement to be drawn u...
Premarital and Marital Assets and Prenup Agreements
Pre-Marital and Marital Assets and Pre and Postnups If you are exploring if and why a postnuptial or prenuptial agreement will help you, you first should understand the difference between premarita...
Prenuptial and Postnuptial Agreements: Your Future May Be at Stake
Prenuptial and Postnuptial Agreements: Your Future May Be at Stake Each day, normal, every day, practical people take steps to protect their futures. They purchase life insurance, home insurance, s...
Changes To Florida Laws
Florida recently announced updates to their divorce laws for the year of 2023. The updates aim to address various issues and provide more equitable outcomes for families going through divorce or custo...
Why You Should Feel Good About Your Decision to Get a Prenup
Why You Should Feel Good About Your Decision to Get a Prenup It is quite normal to have questions about a prenup. Even having concerns or doubts about a prenuptial agreement can be common. There ar...