Military Divorce: What You Need to Know
A marriage in which one or both partners is a member of military is unique in many ways. While most civilians are able to make their marriages and their families a top priority, a military family must...
Read More5 Tips for a Military Divorce
Top 5 Tips for a Military Divorce Divorce affects millions of families across the United States, and military families are no exception. In fact, research shows that long and more frequent deployment...
Read MoreWhat Can You Do If Your Soldier Cuts You Off Financially?
What to do if your military spouse no longer provides financial support for your family. If you have been cut off financially by your spouse who is also a soldier, it can be easy to feel helpless in ...
Read MoreThe United States Supreme Court Agrees to Review a Military Retirement Issue in a Divorce Case: What Does This Mean for Your Military Retirement?
How a military divorce case landed at the steps of the Supreme Court. Given that the Supreme Court hears only around 80 cases each year, it is rare that a divorce case would be on their docket. Simpl...
Read MoreCan I Keep My Commissary and Exchange Privileges After Divorce?
Which military privileges no longer apply to ex-spouses of service members? One of the greatest benefits afforded to service members and their families is the ability to shop at commissaries and exch...
Read MoreMilitary Domestic Violence Injunction Remedies
In cases involving military domestic violence, civilian statutes can be used to provide relief. Domestic violence is an important issue to the wellbeing of society as a whole, and it is particularly ...
Read MoreAre My VA Benefits Marital Property? What About Alimony?
Veteran benefits are protected from creditors, but are they protected against your ex-spouse? Disabled veterans bravely served our nation, earning the right to receive VA benefits and income in the pr...
Read MoreMilitary Divorce: Can I Keep My Military ID Card?
For non-military spouses, military IDs can be revoked if specific qualifications are not met. Due to Tampa's close proximity to MacDill Air Force Base, plenty of divorcing couples have questions rega...
Read MoreIs My Military Accrued Vacation Time and Sick Leave a Marital Asset?
Military divorces come with additional strings, including what is considered an assets for equitable distribution. Divorce is difficult enough without additional layers of legal complexity, but the r...
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