
How Does Child Support Affect my Disability Benefits?

How Does Child Support Affect my Disability Benefits?

If you are the declared as a secondary parent and the court mandates that you pay child support payments to the primary parent, you are probably wondering how your disability benefits will be affected...

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How Do I Chose a Divorce Lawyer?

How Do I Chose a Divorce Lawyer?

Some psychologists compare a divorce to traumatic events like the death of a loved one.   In many ways, a divorce is a huge loss to anyone who goes through it and anyone tells you it is not has no u...

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How to Deal With a Child Who Is Angry About Your Divorce

How to Deal With a Child Who Is Angry About Your Divorce

Children can take divorce especially hard. They may see their family falling apart and feel powerless to do anything about it. If your child seems to be angry because you decided to get a divorce from...

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Why Hire a Moving Company Post Divorce

Why Hire a Moving Company Post Divorce

Let’s say you or your spouse filed for divorce, and now after a long and grueling process you have to get the remaining items out of the home you shared together. You may have already gone through y...

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Intersection of Family Law and Estate Planning

Intersection of Family Law and Estate Planning

There are many ways that family law and estate planning intersect. When creating your estate plan, you first concern is usually to take care of your family and ensure that they are not burdened with u...

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What Happens When You Violate a Custody Order?

What Happens When You Violate a Custody Order?

Custody orders are entered by judges to set rules about parenting and decision-making.  Sometimes these orders are the result of a hearing where the judge listens to the parties and witnesses and tak...

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Important Information about Domestic Violence

Important Information about Domestic Violence

There are key factors to bear in mind when it comes to domestic violence. The following outlines information that is important to be aware of when it comes to lawsuits surrounding domestic violence. ...

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Florida Lawmakers Considering a Mandatory Marriage Guide for Couples

Florida Lawmakers Considering a Mandatory Marriage Guide for Couples

Florida Lawmakers Considering a Mandatory Marriage Guide for Couples It is likely fair to say that most couples seek advice from close friends, family or respected peers before tying the knot with a ...

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Counseling and Child Custody

Counseling and Child Custody

Often times, parents will come to counseling with their children because they have made the decision to separate or proceed with a divorce against their partner. They usually are consumed with the fea...

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