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How to Ask Your Fiancé for a Prenup
When it comes to asking your fiancé for a prenuptial agreement, there are several issues to consider. Just blurting out that you want a prenup probably won't go over very well, so finding a better wa...
Prenups on the Rise Amongst the Young
In the past, most people thought of a prenuptial agreement as something that only mattered to wealthy people. When you make millions of dollars every year, and you meet the love of your life, you want...
Should Parents Pressure their Children Into Prenups?
A prenuptial agreement is a great way to protect assets during a divorce. When it is structured correctly, it provides security for both parties to the marriage. But is a prenup something a parent sho...
Prenup Says No Eating Pizza and No Skipping the Gym?!
No eating pizza might sound like a strange thing to put into a prenup, but for one couple it has simply become part of their agreement. In reality, the couple can have pizza. They just can't have more...
Is Tom Brady Getting a Divorce?
Tom Brady may have seven championship rings, but it seems like recently his wedding ring has been stealing some headlines. Although the star quarterback claimed he would be retiring from the NFL, he d...
Child Custody Matters – Even To Tom Brady
There’s good news and bad news for Buccaneers fans: Good news, Tom Brady is going to keep playing. Bad news, Tom Brady’s wife, Gisele Bündchen, is a little less than happy. While Brady heads out ...
5 Reasons To Hire A Divorce Lawyer For Mediation
Divorce Lawyer Tampa, FL Going through a divorce is not a fun process, even when you have a reliable divorce lawyer Tampa, FL clients count on for legal help. When you’re beginning to consider your ...
5 Things To Do To Prepare For Your Child Custody Hearing
Family Lawyer Tampa, FL It can feel daunting to prepare for a child custody hearing, but a family lawyer Tampa, FL clients trust can help you prepare, provide legal advice, and guide you through the...
5 Things To Consider Before Starting Your Divorce
Family Lawyer Tampa, FL There are often many early signs that your marriage is headed for a divorce and you may start to consider talking with a family lawyer Tampa, FL clients trust about your option...