The McKinney Law Group Blog

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What is Supervised Time Sharing and a Reunification Plan?

What is Supervised Time Sharing and a Reunification Plan?

In some child custody cases, alternative measures are taken to provide parents time with their children. What is Supervised Time Sharing? Sometimes, a family law judge will determine that a parent...

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I cursed in front of the judge, now what?

I cursed in front of the judge, now what?

Put your emotions aside to avoid unnecessary consequences. Being a family law judge is an honorable profession.  Judges demand respect and also expect you to maintain professional decorum and use la...

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What is a Psychosexual Evaluation and when will a judge order one?

What is a Psychosexual Evaluation and when will a judge order one?

In rare cases involving complex custody disputes, outside assistance may be required for a final judgement. Sometimes contested custody cases get very complicated.  In complex custody cases, the fam...

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Alimony and Time Sharing Reform Bill Vetoed

Alimony and Time Sharing Reform Bill Vetoed

Florida Governor Rick Scott vetoed the contentious Alimony and Time Sharing Reform Bill today. The bill, which passed the Florida House and Florida Senate, was set to drastically change the current F...

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Can My Child Be Forced To Attend an Extracurricular Activity?

Can My Child Be Forced To Attend an Extracurricular Activity?

Make sure your parenting plan is air-tight and thorough. Before beginning or challenging a custody dispute, it is important to understand what the courts can and cannot order when it comes to parenti...

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Retirement Benefits May Be a Powerful Tool for Child Support Enforcement

Retirement Benefits May Be a Powerful Tool for Child Support Enforcement

An alternative method for collecting unpaid child support. Unfortunately, efforts in family law to garnish wages, or resolve disputes in another futile mediation, even after hours of endless court he...

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Is a Settlement From a Lawsuit Considered Marital Property?

Is a Settlement From a Lawsuit Considered Marital Property?

Equal distribution of marital assets may not apply to settlement awards.  The State of Florida is an equitable state, meaning that when parties divorce, their marital assets are typically divided be...

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How do courts determine alimony payments?

How do courts determine alimony payments?

Avoid an improper alimony award. In divorce cases involving alimony awards, courts consider in multiple factors and rule according to the presented evidence. A recent case reviewed by The First Distr...

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If my court appointed expert seeks outside (legal) assistance, Am I responsible for their fees?

If my court appointed expert seeks outside (legal) assistance, Am I responsible for their fees?

If you’re getting divorced, read your attorney’s contract carefully. In dissolution cases that require outside assistance it is important to discuss with your attorney their role and any fees tha...

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